The Canary Room
Shock generated by the attach on Pearl Harbor was mirrored in the many personal traumatic disruptions of U.S. families over the next several years. The Canary Room tells the story of a 12-year-old boy in the Pacific Northwest during the last months of the war, when Herman Auerbach woke one morning to the songs and flutterings of canaries on the sun porch of a family he had never met. Without the war, would there have been a divorce, a custody hearing, a remarriage, a relocation....a canary room? The question never occurred to Herman, whose job it was to wake up every morning and get through the day, to adapt or to die.
Hermann Hesse
ISBN: 13-978-0615990279
During the late sixties, the America that Herman Hesse thought would never be receptive to his works came alive with the counterculture and Americans began to become aware of Hesse first through Siddhartha and Narcissus and Goldmund. In Herman Hesse, a volume first published in the series Writers for the Seventies, Ed Casebeer makes the claim that American readers need Hesse who believed that the universe makes sense and that the best way to realize that affirmation is to realize yourself. By his novels and by his life, Herman Hesse provided the assurance and guidance of a man who sought himself through eighty-five years of some of the most disastrous events of the past two centuries. This volume contains chapters on four of Hesse’s novels most popular in the counter culture: Siddhartha, Steppenwolf, Narcissus and Goldmund, and Magister Ludi (The Glass Bead Game). Together, these novels show an amazing breadth of subjects, situations, characters, themes, and techniques. Yet underlying them all is a unifying theme: the search for self-realization in a harmonious universe. Hesse tells us, “We can understand one another; but each of us is able to interpret himself to himself alone.”
A Dark Night's Dreaming
This gathering of contemporary horror fiction surveys the genre's themes, contexts, and development through a reflection on the lives and works of six who've shaped the genre: William Blatty, Stephen King, Anne Rice, and others. Although scholarly in tone and content, this is sure to intrigue any avid genre fan who wants a studied analysis of writers and their works. Ed Casebeer's chapter weighs in on Stephen King.